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Lazy Cat

No meu cérebro vive um caos sinfónico de ideias desordenadas. Num harém simbólico, todas concorrem -APENAS- pelo teu olhar deslumbrado...

Lazy Cat

No meu cérebro vive um caos sinfónico de ideias desordenadas. Num harém simbólico, todas concorrem -APENAS- pelo teu olhar deslumbrado...


Agosto 06, 2008









Lá ao longe ouvia-se a fúria mansa do mar.  Os pneus pisavam as folhas que se desfaziam em pequenos gemidos e estalidos roucos. Corria uma brisa leve, apenas suficiente para refrescar o fim do dia de verão.

Ela tirou do carro um tapete fino que estendeu entre as árvores. Mediu as distâncias e mais uma vez verificou que ninguém os veria. Tirou-o do carro, de olhos vendados, despiu-lhe a roupa e dobrou-a cuidadosamente, guardando-a no carro.

Maravilhou-se mais uma vez com a firmeza daquele corpo, com a cor levemente dourada do sol, com o cheiro dele. Não conseguiu fugir à respiração acelerada dele, nem evitar que a sua se entrecortasse também.

Abriu-lhe os braços, palmas viradas para cima, afastou-lhe ligeiramente as pernas, passou-lhes os dedos levemente pelas costas, enquanto escolhia um ramo de pinheiro caído com o olhar...







Mais? Querem mais?    Escrevam....






understand that...

Agosto 01, 2008



Alone with my thoughts this evening
I walked on the banks of Tyne
I wondered how I could win you
Or if I could make you mine
Or if I could make you mine

The wind it was so insistent
With tales of a stormy south
But when I spied two birds in a sycamore tree
There came a dryness in my mouth
Came a dryness in my mouth

For then without rhyme or reason
The two birds did rise up to fly
And where the two birds were flying
I swear I saw you and I
I swear I saw you and I

I walked out this morning
It was like a veil had been removed from before my eyes
For the first time I saw the work of heaven
In the line where the hills had been married to the sky
And all around me
Every blade of singing grass
Was calling out your name
And that our love would always last
And inside every turning leaf
Is the pattern of an older tree
The shape of our future
The shape of all our history
And out of the confusion
Where the river meets the sea
Came things I'd never seen
Things I'd never seen

I was brought to my senses
I was blind but now that I can see
Every signpost in nature
Said you belong to me

I know it's true
It's written in a sky as blue
As blue as your eyes
As blue as your eyes
If nature's red in tooth and claw
Like winter's freeze and summer's thaw
The wounds she gave me
Were the wounds that would heal me
And we'd be like the moon and sun
And when our courtly dance had run
Its course across the sky
Then together we would lie
And out of the confusion

Where the river meets the sea
Something new would arrive
Something better would arrive

I was brought to my senses
I was blind but now that I can see
Every signpost in nature
Said you belong to me

... "Out of the confusion, where the river meets the sea

The wind whispers I belong to you as you belong to me”





Sting "I was brought back to my senses" 




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